The Fire of the Dragon


Item Dimensions: 24 W X 30 H 36

SKU: N/A Category:



Depicted in this painting is a representation of the first Chakra our potential energy. And the Second Chakra which may be seen as the digestive fire required to metabolize our food, and as the fire used to burn off negativity, harmful emotions, and blocks to our energy. 

Kundalini, represented by the snake under the dragon’s head, awakens and unfurls becoming the blue dragon which sends energy into the central core (Shushumna) to raise us upward toward enlightenment.

The second Chakra is a water element, with characteristics of: creativity, freedom, pleasure, and sex. Blockage may affect the lower back, abdominal region, and genitals. Emotionally blockage may create: anxiety, detachment, isolation, low libido, lack of inspiration, and loneliness. However, through self-awareness and directing loving attention to our issues, we may free our energy flow allowing this cleared energy to heal us. Let your dragon burn away your negativity and replace it with light.


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Originals With Frame, Giclee