In Preparation for the Twisted Stairs


Item Dimensions: 11 W X 9 H

SKU: N/A Category:



A value study for my oil painting of the same name became a separate piece for its simplicity and composition. 

The steps we take, the “journey”, is as important as the results we desire. Mindfully we proceed knowing that our present action is all that is, and is all important. We only have this moment. The past is full of regrets. The future is uncertain and thoughts of this bring anxiety. We really do not know how long we have in these bodies. Make your intent loving in this moment.

Each step of life is there forever and affects everything. Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions. Make them positive and compassionate. We do not need to solve all the world’s problems, simply bring forth the gifts we are given toward fruition. Be mindful and present in each step.


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Originals With Frame, Giclee