(Hard Cover Book)


12” W X 10 ½” H Hard Cover Coffee Table Book, 59 pages long.



This spiritual art book contains 26 high quality photographs of my original art work spanning 50 years. It is presented in a spread format with the high resolution art work on the left page. On the adjacent right pages is a description of the painting, a personal story, or an art theme related story, and a spiritual teaching or practice.

My paintings are meant to capture life’s radiance, and spiritual essence. The majority of the paintings took an average of 3 months to paint.

My art is intended for enjoyment, and to provide an uplifting stimulus for thoughts and emotions that may lead to expanded awareness, happiness, and spiritual awakening.

Presented first, and comprising about one-half of the paintings, are detailed colorful inspiring landscapes and a few still-life paintings. All were captured from places I have been or lived in the course of my life.

Presented in the second half of the book are imaginative art works depicting individual and universal energy fields, Chakras (energy centers), and spiritual stories. These painting were inspired and created from decades of Buddhist and Yogic study, as well as my intuitive interpretation. Painting themes range from creation to the path toward spiritual ascension.

The book concludes with a personal family history and photographs.